Julie D. Hastings, P.E.
2023 TSPE Travis Chapter Engineer of the Year
Born in Illinois, Julie lived in Alabama, Florida, and Tennessee before making her way to Texas as a young PE in 2001. Although she grew up in many states, Texas is now her home and she has enjoyed growing her career and family in Austin/Cedar Park. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Tennessee Technological University and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Texas in Austin. She has worked most of her career in the public infrastructure area with a passion for working with public entities to improve the built environment for the health and safety of the public. She is a Principal at Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc. and
currently serves as the Regional Municipal Manager for CobbFendley’s Central Texas Municipal Team, having the pleasure of working on infrastructure improvements from Bell County to the Valley.
Julie’s passion for serving the engineering community doesn’t stop with infrastructure projects. She also believes in working hard to support and protect the engineering profession and has found a partner in that endeavor with TSPE. She first attended TSPE meetings in Tennessee (Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers!) and continued that engagement after moving to Texas. In 2003 she was nominated to serve on the local chapter board as Vice President and continued that service to TSPE for 16 years serving locally as Vice President, President Elect, President, and Past President then moving on to serve at the State level as State Director, PEPP Chair, and Region III VP until 2019. During that time she also served other engineering organizations including being a founding board member for the initial Engineers Without Borders Central Texas Professional Chapter, member of the WEAT Young Professionals Committee and ASCE Student Outreach Committee Chair. Her service to the engineering community continues as a current board member for the local ACEC chapter.
Outside the engineering world, Julie has enjoyed serving the community as a volunteer for the former Town Lake Animal Center, Lucky Mutts Animal Rescue, and Divine Canines Therapy Dog Service. She also enjoys spending time with her own four legged rescues (two lab mixes, a Great Dane and one little cat). Family is very important to Julie and she spends every moment she can enjoying the outside, skiing (water and snow), hiking, beaching, camping, lounging by the pool, playing sports, and just hanging out with her husband and fellow PE, TJ, and two children, Miller and Gruene, who are growing up too fast! She also enjoys visiting her immediate family (mom, three siblings, and eight nieces/nephews) as often as possible in Tennessee and extended family in Illinois. In her spare time, she enjoys exercising and is a recreational runner, enjoying competing with herself to complete at least one half marathon a year. Her greatest physical fitness accomplishments include officially finishing a full marathon and a half Ironman.
2024 EOY Nominations
The TSPE Travis Chapter Engineer of the Year Award is the highest honor given to an individual TSPE member. Eligibility is restricted to engineers whose sustained and unusual contributions have improved the public welfare and the advancement of his/her profession. The candidate should be an engineer of recognized standing, preferably registered, and a citizen of Texas. ​Per tradition, the EOY is selected by a committee consisting of five previous EOY recipients.
Do you have someone in mind for 2024? Applications are due January 5, 2024.