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Hope Newton, P.E.​


2025 TSPE Travis Chapter Young Engineer of the Year

Hope M. Newton, P.E., is a Water/Wastewater Engineer at Kimley-Horn, focusing on water and wastewater conveyance design, facility design, and master planning for cities, utility providers, and municipal entities throughout Central Texas.

Hope currently serves as the MATHCOUNTS Coordinator for the Texas Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE)

Travis Chapter, leading a committee responsible for hosting the local MATHCOUNTS Competition, which this year included 29 schools and 190 middle school student competitors. She enjoys this role as it supports STEM education and helps inspire the next generation of engineers. Additionally, Hope serves as the Vice President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Austin Branch Younger Member Forum (YMF), where she helps to build a supportive community for engineers at all stages of their careers. Hope recognizes the guidance and mentorship she has gained through TSPE and ASCE and aims to pay it forward through her various roles in the organizations.

Hope received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. During her time at UT Austin, she was an active member of the ASCE Student Chapter, serving as Student Chapter President and Concrete Canoe Captain. As Captain, she led the UT Austin Concrete Canoe Team to its third consecutive Texas-Mexico Regional Competition victory. Her involvement in ASCE during college provided a strong community where she built lasting relationships and friendships, which inspired her to stay engaged with professional organizations after graduation.

Outside of work, Hope enjoys staying active in her community by volunteering with local organizations. To maintain work-life balance, she spends as much time outdoors as possible when the sun is out and stays creative through hobbies including pottery and stained glass to offset her analytical engineering side.

2026 YEOY Nominations

The TSPE Travis Chapter Young Engineer of the Year Award is the highest honor given to a Young TSPE member. Eligibility is restricted to engineers who are age 34 or under, graduate of an accredited engineering school, EIT or PE, and a member in good standing of TSPE and NSPE. TSPE seeks to acknowledge the recipient's technical ability, professional achievements, civic and humanitarian activities. ​Per tradition, the YEOY is selected by a committee consisting of five previous YEOY recipients, typically the most recent. Applications for 2026 YEOY are due December 5, 2025.

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